We give you the first two listings for free to let you try our service. You can publish free listings for flats, houses, garages, plots, commercial properties, etc. until you sell or rent them.
In addition, you can publish up to 5 rooms in a shared flat for free and these are not included within the number of listigs we give you.
In order to maintain the quality of our service, we need to charge a fee in the following cases:
- advertisers with more than two listings
- duplicated property listings
- properties for sale for more than €1,000,000
- properties for rent for more than €2,500/month
- We don’t charge any listings until they are published.
- Once we receive the listing and our quality control team has verified that everything is in order, we will publish the listing and charge you.
- If there is any problem, we will tell you so you can solve it and we won’t charge you anything until the listing is published.
- You can pay with any credit card.
- To avoid having listings for properties that have already been sold or rented, we ask our users to confirm their listings every now and then.
- The listings for sale are confirmed every 330 days.
- The listings for rent are confirmed every 150 days.
- If we don’t receive any confirmation that the listing is still on the market, we will deactivate it from the website until the user reconfirms it.
- The deadline for publication does not change when the listing has been deactivated because there was no confirmation.
Sell or rent your house or flat privately, publish your listing on idealista.