Flight bonus Italy
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2025 brings good news for residents of Sicily and Sardinia, who will receive financial support to counter rising flight costs. In both regions, this bonus is becoming a permanent measure and includes a refund that varies depending on the region of origin and specific eligibility criteria. Let’s explore the details of this initiative and all the updates for the new year.

Flight Bonus in Sicily

The Region of Sicily has extended its "expensive flights bonus" for the entire year of 2025, following its initial implementation during the Christmas holiday period. Specifically, the scheme will remain active until 31 December 2025 for certain categories of travellers.

The 2025 flight bonus in Sicily provides a 25% refund on the cost of airline tickets for residents of Sicily, with an additional 25% for low-income residents (with an ISEE below €15,000), students, and disabled individuals (with a disability of 67% or more) travelling to and from the island.

The Region of Sicily has clarified that the maximum contribution for airline tickets will be 50% of the total ticket price, including all taxes, fees, and additional charges billed by the carrier, with a maximum reimbursement of €250 per one-way trip. Applications for reimbursement must be submitted via the dedicated regional platform, SiciliaPei, using SPID or CIE credentials. Applications must be filed no later than 30 days after the flight date; otherwise, the contribution will not be granted.

Flight Bonus in Sardinia

The Region of Sardinia has also taken steps to support its residents by permanently reducing the costs of domestic flights not covered by territorial continuity agreements, as well as all routes connecting Sardinia to airports within the European Economic Area (EEA).

Throughout 2025, Sardinian residents can request a 25% refund on the ticket price for flights costing €100 or more. This bonus can be claimed directly online via the SardegnaTrasporti digital platform until 31 March of the year following the flight.

The Sardinian flight bonus covers 25% of the ticket price per route for each individual (up to a maximum of €125 for tickets priced at €500). The reimbursement includes all taxes and fees charged by the carrier to the passenger and covers services such as extra baggage and priority boarding. Additionally, the Region of Sardinia has announced that it is working towards turning this reimbursement into a direct discount applied at the time of purchase.

The flight routes between Sardinia and airports within the European Economic Area include Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and Hungary. For now, the only routes excluded are those already covered by territorial continuity agreements, which are subject to reduced fares.