Freshen up your home to catch the eye of potential buyers
Freshen up your home to catch the eye of potential buyers Homing Real Estate

The sale of a house starts when the owner decides to publish the advertisement and only ends after the move. It is often a long process (slow and difficult to digest), as a house is usually a space that binds us to many memories that have been part of our lives.

In order to sell your home as quickly as possible, it is important to take care of the details and enhance the property. The experts at Homing Real Estate offer some tips on how to light up the kitchen, how to make natural wood floors stand out or how to give your home a touch of warmth with some plants.

The importance of greenery
The importance of greenery Pexels from Pixabay

It is important to present the space in accordance with contemporary furnishing trends and, if necessary, to contract a home staging service, i.e. transforming the property by making it more attractive to future buyers through quick, functional, and accessible decoration.

Give your living space a modern feel to attract buyers
Give your living space a modern feel to attract buyers Pixabay

Carlos Rodrigues, director of Homing Real Estate, offers us some tips to make selling your home easier and faster:

  • The kitchen. You should opt for lighter colours. This space should convey brightness to impress those interested in buying a property.
  • Wood. Natural wood furniture or flooring make spaces more welcoming and connect to the ideas of nature, inspiring confidence and tranquillity. But less is more: it is important to remove excess furniture.
  • Plants. Natural greenery gives a touch of familiarity and helps visitors to empathise with their domestic spaces.
  • Presentation. Go for minimalism and be welcoming.
The brightness of the spaces in the property is important
The brightness of the spaces in the property is important Homing Real Estate

When is it time to say goodbye to the house?

A new home can bring us new habits, and a new routine. The experts at Home Staging offer some tips that can help smooth this transition.

"You can say goodbye and invite friends and family to a final house party," says Rodrigues. It's important as part of the farewell ritual to toast the old house before celebrating the start of a new life elsewhere. This is what you can do:

If you have children, they will love having a memory of where they grew up or even knowing that their relatives lived there and what it was like to live in that environment.

This is still a path that can be difficult, with memories of those who were happy in that space or even the not-so-good memories that helped you to accept the house as your personal habitat. And of course why not; take some photos of the house that you can leave in your memory bank.

Finally, you can leave a memento for the new residents, a welcome letter and some tips on what to do in the area. "A nice gesture for new residents to feel more comfortable in their new home."