All over the world, when one thinks of carnival one immediately associates the city of Venice, which has become a must for fans of this event. As far as dates are concerned, this year the Venice Carnival will be celebrated from 12th February 2022 to 1st March 2022.
Unfortunately, this year, due to the pandemic, many events have been cancelled, such as the traditional Volo dell'Angelo (Flight of the Angel). There will be no parade of floats or even processions, but many initiatives have been created in the area, such as music, theatre, acrobatics and puppet shows that will animate the historic centre of the famous Italian town.
Venice Carnival 2022, programme of events
The protagonists of this edition are the children! That's why ice skating rinks have been set up in Piazza Mercato in Maghera, Campo San Polo and two stations have been set up, in Piazza Ferretto in Mestre and in Piazza San Marco, where you can apply to take part in the online competition for the most beautiful mask.
The 3 main events of this year are the Venezia Wonder Time, the Carnival Official Dinner Show and the Nebula Solaris Water Show in Aresanale.
Main theme of the Venice Carnival 2022
The title chosen for the 2022 edition, under the Artistic Direction of Massimo Checchetto, is "Remember the Future", inspired by a Salvador Dali quote: "And most of all I remember the future". A message of hope addressed above all to children.
How to best experience the magic of the Venice Carnival
It is not compulsory, but strongly recommended to wear a costume or even simply a Venetian mask. This is the only way to fully immerse yourself in the carnival atmosphere. Another must is to try the typical desserts, frittole and galani, a delight for any palate. Finally, take a photo of the most beautiful masks, you will see such elaborate costumes that you will not be able not to capture them! The fun is guaranteed!
Here is a selection of last minute holiday homes so that you can pack your suitcase and leave immediately for the most evocative carnival in Italy.