Italy is famous for its many fashion streets, the streets where the shops of the best international fashion brands and designers are present. The great fashion houses compete to get the best buildings on these roads.
These streets are not only a showcase for the fashion houses, but also an important tourist attraction for all the countries of the world, and many tourists choose their vacation destinations based on the possibility of making purchases. Milan, for example, is at the top of the ranking of the most chosen Italian cities, followed immediately by Florence and Rome.
Via Monte Napoleone - Milan

The world-famous Via Monte Napoleone is simply a designer shopper's paradise. We are talking about the capital of Italian fashion with its famous Fashion Quadrilateral (Quadrilatero della Moda) delimited by Via Montenapoleone, Via Manzoni, Via della Spiga and Corso Venezia. This golden square is a unique concentration of boutiques, jewellers and high-end fashion shops. We can't not mention Milan's Galleria Vittorio Emanuele in which prestigious stores are found next to historical shops.
Via de’ Tornabuoni - Florence

Florence, the very first capital of Italian fashion. This city has seen the birth of great names that have made history, including Gucci and Ferragamo, whose museums are located right in the city centre, gathered between Via de 'Tornabuoni and Via Calzaiuoli, not to mention the glittering goldsmiths around Ponte Vecchio.
Via Condotti - Rome

Adjacent to Piazza di Spagna, Via Condotti is not only one of the most famous streets of Rome, but certainly the most elegant and refined, famous for its attractive and luxurious shops, with prices within the reach of a few, but a look in the windows is absolutely not to be missed. There are also monuments of great historical interest, beautiful scenery that opens from Via del Corso towards Piazza di Spagna with the Trinità staircase in the background.
Many visitors to "The Eternal City" head to this part of town just to walk down this street and admire the fashion stores – Cartier, Dolce & Gabbana, Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Fendi, Dior, the list goes on and on.
Another famous street here is Via del Babuino, twinned with Madison Avenue in New York since 2002. Don't forget to take a ride through the streets of the centre; Via Borgognona, Via Frattina and Via della Croce will delight you with small boutiques and antique shops.
Via dei Mille, Via Chiaia - Naples

Between the sea and Mount Vesuvius, the volcano, the city of Naples offers a fashion tour that has nothing to envy from other cities: we start from Via Toledo, proceeding along Via Chiaia, Via Calabritto and Via dei Mille. Just in Riviera di Chiaia there is the Marinella shop, a shop selling handcrafted ties famous all over the world.
Corso Umberto I - Taormina

Taormina is the center of elite tourism in Sicily. The city winds around Corso Umberto I, a quiet and beautiful street where the shops of the most important fashion houses are located. This is a well thought out choice, that of opening almost exclusively high fashion shops in the historical centre. This street is perfect for a typical Italian 'passeggiata' (walk). It is lined with a mixture of tourist shops, churches, coffee bars and the best clothes shops in the world.