The real estate portal idealista.it is in the top 50 ranking of the most consulted websites in Italy, according to similarweb.com. In August the number of visits, visit duration, bounce rate and other sets of technical parameters were analysed on all Italian websites. It ranks 45th in Italy and 16th worldwide in the Real Estate category.
Position | Web |
35 | immobiliare.it |
45 | idealista.it |
56 | casa.it |
359 | trovacasa.net |
575 | wikicasa.it |
If we take a look through the rankings, the top 10 positions are occupied by large international websites such as Google and Facebook that attract more traffic. These are search engines, social networks, sites with pornographic content and Subito.it (ninth place in the ranking).
Adult websites are among the most visited by the Italian public, with up to 5 domains in the top 50: pornhub.com, xnxx.com, xvideos.com, xhamster.com, and youporn.com.
Italian online newspapers aren't in the top 10. La Repubblica.it occupies the highest position, followed by Corriere della Sera.it and Gazzetta.it, respectively, in 11th, 16th, and 17th place. Ansa.it ranks 31st, Fatto Quotidiano.it 33rd, Liberoquotidiano.it 36th and Fanpage.it 38th.
Occupying the 45th position in the ranking of websites that attract the greatest Italian interest is idealista. In total there are more than 14 million visits per month to idealista, for an average duration of 6.48 minutes per visit and an average of 13.91 page views per session.
Since idealista landed in Italy in 2006 it has become the new leader for those looking for a home, consolidating itself as the second portal in the category of real estate preferred by Italian users. It sits behind immobiliare.it (35th position in the ranking). The study which also analyses the usage level of real estate markets around the world ranks idealista in 16th place and its Spanish .com cousin is even in sixth place, just behind the American giants (zillow.com, realtor.com, and trulia.com). Following that is the British website rightmove.co.uk and the Dutch website funda.nl.