The welfare of pets is very important, especially if they live inside your house with you, making it especially useful to know how to guarantee their living comfort. The worldwide business platform for companies in renewable energy and energy efficiency sectors, MCE, offers three useful tips on how to best look after your pet in Italy. Let's find out what they are.
First of all, it is good to remember that "temperature changes are harmful to both humans and animals". ASPCA (the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) recommends choosing an indoor temperature of between 20 and 22 degrees. This is especially important to remember in the current colder conditions in Italy and in the summer when temperatures soar.
Here are the specialist's recommendations:
Owners need to carefully observe the behaviour of their pet: if the environmental conditions are not optimal, the fur of dogs and cats is modified by reducing the ability to disperse or retain heat and distorting the natural thermostat with which they are equipped. You should also pay special attention to the relative humidity in your home which should be be kept below 60% to minimise the risk of microbial proliferation.
The best heating options for pets in the home in Italy are the commonly available panel heating and cooling systems that combine a high level of comfort with significant energy savings. The insertion of pipes under the floor, wall or ceiling prevents animals from inadvertently coming into contact with or climbing over the systems.
Remember that animals have different needs: dogs generally need more refreshment than cats. The programming of the heating will therefore have to take into account the different muscular activity (which generates heat), setting different temperatures for rooms if you have both dogs and cats.
Follow these tips to help you have happy and healthy pets at home in Italy, no matter the weather or the temperature. Find out more about owning a pet in Italy.