Objects which might otherwise be thrown away can be given a new life with this simple guide. Before throwing something away, stop to think if it might come in handy!

When we talk about recycling at home, we don't just mean the good practices of throwing plastic in the proper bin or disposing of oil in the right place. It is also about looking at the objects around us in a new light and see that there are perhaps some to which we can give a second life with a totally unexpected use. You just have to use a little imagination and get your creative juices flowing!

  • A second life for your favourite mug: it could take years and a lot of effort to convince anyone to throw away their favourite mug. Even more than its intrinsic value, which it probably doesn't have, it's the sentimental value that keeps so many people from getting rid of it. But what can you do with it if you can no longer use it for your morning coffee? Try using it as a vase: if you have a small cactus plant for example, it will undoubtedly be the ideal size to put inside the mug and on the windowsill, giving a touch of originality to your home decor.
  • Children's shoes: if they are broken or have seen better days, there is nothing more to discuss, they should be thrown away. However, if you have children's shoes lying around that are new or in good condition, perhaps a child was still too young to walk at the time of wearing them, then you can give them a new life. You can always give them away to a new home, but if you don't know who they might be useful to, another solution is to use small shoes (especially if they are boots) as a pencil or pen holder on your desk.
  • Glass jars: if you're someone who frequently buys artichokes, peppers or dried tomatoes in oil, then you'll definitely have accumulated dozens of glass jars in the kitchen. These jars can also always be given a new life: they can be used to store pasta (much better than in its normal plastic or cardboard container), other legumes, spices, bay leaves or even biscuits.
  • Old shirts and fabrics: old clothes usually come in handy as rags used for cleaning and dusting, but there are also other options. If they are nice fabrics, it is not at all complicated to make pencil cases, or small bags for cosmetics or suncream for when you go to the pool in summer. If you are particularly familiar with a needle and thread, another possibility is to make a backpack or a larger bag (for example out of denim), or you can also think about dressing up some Christmas baubles.
  • Backpack pockets: If you have a backpack which is broken but the outer pockets are in good condition, provided that the backpack is made of fabric, you can cut the pocket away from the rest of the backpack and make a practical travel bag. It'll be a unique item and no one will have one like yours!
  • Oil used to make soap or homemade detergent: if you want to save money and recycle at the same time, start making soap and detergent yourself. For example, you can prepare homemade detergents and it's easier than you think. To do this, you need about 100 grams of used and filtered oil, 35 grams of caustic soda and about 3 litres of water. The first thing to do is to dissolve the soda in 250 ml of water. You have to do it very carefully because the water will be heated by the chemical reaction and the gases are toxic (i.e. do it in an airy and well ventilated room). Stir the mixture with a wooden or plastic spoon. Once the soda has dissolved, add the oil and mix everything for a couple of minutes. You have to let it rest for about 12 hours and you will see that, afterwards, the upper part of the liquid will have already become soap and the lower part is water. You have to stir everything together again: in order to do this, add more water until you get a mixture with the consistency of mayonnaise. At this point, you can put the mixture into another container and you will end up with about 3 litres of homemade detergent. If you want to make it smell better, you can always add some fabric softener or a few drops of the essential oils you like best.
  • Transform empty cans: empty cans of peeled tomatoes can also come in handy, as you can just wash them and then paint them so that they can be used as pencil-holders or flower boxes for herbs.