The coronavirus emergency has already dealt a severe blow to one of Italy's most valuable sectors: tourism. And, with the summer season just around the corner, questions are growing as to whether, and if so how, one can go to the beach and enjoy the summer season in Italy by the sea.
The government, with the long-awaited decree of April with updated lockdown regulations, in the coming weeks is expected to include new measures to support the tourism sector and the Italian economy. The package will be established with the collaboration of experts, a scientific committee, the involved government department and civil protection. Various regions in Italy have already asked for a kind of holiday bonus to support domestic tourism.
A tourist tax to be transferred to tourism businesses is also being studied, as well as a tax credit for tenants, non-refundable capital grants and a total reduction of IMU (Municipal Property Tax) for 2020, with decreasing disbursement percentages in the two-year period of 2021-2022. All this while the sindacato balneari (the union for beaches in Italy) would like a national ordinance valid for all seaside resorts, asking for certainty and homogeneity on the reopening of beaches in view of the upcoming summer season.
Currently, all bathing establishments and surrounding areas are closed until 3rd May, and in many cases these prohibitions have also been tightened or altered by local decrees. From 14th April, access has been allowed in these areas only to staff who are engaged in proven maintenance and surveillance activities.
At present, therefore, operators and plant personnel can carry out work on the facilities. In order to protect the natural resources of the sea and the coast, they can carry out urgent work in the state owned areas under concession to dispose of or recover beach waste that has accumulated due to bad weather, always with prior notification to the competent territorial prefect.
However, it must be stated that it is still too early to read this situation as a clue to the opening of the summer season. As has already transpired, one of the proposals to protect tourists is to return to the beach in transparent aluminium and plexiglass cubicles which are 2 metres high and 4.5 metres on each side, with an entrance door that acts as an enclosure for a pair of sunbeds and a parasol.
It is also necessary to evaluate the measures that will regulate freedom of movement starting from phase 2 (presumably from 4th May 2020). International tourism will almost certainly not be allowed and, if allowed, travel for tourist purposes could be restricted depending on the distance from the municipality of residence.
Article seen at: Andremo al mare d’estate? Ecco per ora cosa si può fare. E cosa si sta studiando (Il sole 24 ore)