The famous and much awaited "fase 2" (phase 2) of the coronavirus emergency in Italy is taking shape. Let's see what, according to the many rumors, is the reopening schedule in the country, as the COVID-19 confinement measures start to be eased.
Monday 27th April: lifting its coronavirus lockdown, Italy anncounced that some sectors such as automotive, fashion or parts could have the go-ahead for reopening in phase 2. These sectors said to be low risk according to INAIL (National Institute for Insurance against Accidents at Work) data.
Monday 4th May: the official start of phase 2 of the coronavirus crisis should see the reopening of the manufacturing and textile, construction and wholesale sectors, as long as safety regulations are respected. Laboratories and other research activities will also be given the green light.
People will be also be allowed to move around their own regions but not between different regions of the country. Alternate places must be allocated on public transport to ensure safety distance and wearing a mask will be compulsory in all enclosed spaces.
Monday 11th May: this date marks the possible reopening for the retail trade if individual distances are respected and personal protective equipment is worn. Clothing and footwear will have to be sanitised. Also allowed to open are hairdressers and beauty salons if a one-to-one ratio is respected and if all equipment is sterilised.
Monday 18th May: the last to reopen will be bars and restaurants where the capacity of the premises will be reviewed and where distances of at least two meters between tables must be respected.
For the time being, establishments where there is a higher risk of crowding, such as cinemas or theatres, will remain closed, while an exception could be made for outdoor cinemas.
Article seen at: Fase 2: dalle fabbriche ai negozi, ai bar ecco il calendario della ripartenza dal 27 aprile al 18 maggio (Sole 24 ore)