The codice fiscale is a necessary document when living in Italy / Gtres
The codice fiscale is a necessary document when living in Italy / Gtres

Congratulations! You have decided to live in one of the most beautiful, delicious and historical countries in the world. As far as drawbacks go, Italy might have only one: the bureaucracy.

This wonderful country isn’t known only for its pizza and pasta, but also for the slow and confusing way of dealing with official things. Don’t get scared, we are here to help you with one of the most important things you will need as an ex-pat, which is also surprisingly easy to obtain: the codice fiscale.

What is the codice fiscale?

Codice fiscale is a tax identification number which you will need for opening a bank or a postal account, buying or registering a vehicle or a house, signing a lease for a flat, working, signing contracts with utility companies (e.g. gas, internet, phone company) and even buying concert tickets online, so basically for everything! It is issued by the Agenzia delle Entrate (the Italian Revenue Agency) and it is a plastic card the size of a credit card with a unique 16-digit, alphanumeric code.

Application process

You must do the application in person at your nearest Agenzia delle Entrate office, which you can find here. To apply you must bring your passport or a ‘stay permit’ if you are from outside of the EU (Permesso di Soggiorno) and copies of both. You can’t make an online appointment and instead you should check the timetable of your designated office and show up early.

Then you must get your queuing number, fill the forms they give you and just wait. When it’s your turn, just ask if you could get the codice fiscale, show your documents and filled forms and that’s it! You will get the card later in the mail and then you are ready to buy your first vespa or villa on the Adriatic coast. Now you are one bureaucratic adventure richer!