Comune di Romana

1 euro homes in Sardinia: Romana joins the list

The list of Italian towns and villages deciding to sell houses for the symbolic price of 1 euro is growing and, in several cases, these are also properties close to the sea. This is the case in the town of Romana in Sardinia.
Troina is one of the Italian villages offering 1 euro houses in 2021

1 euro homes for sale in Italy in 2021

1 euro homes in Italy continue to steal headlines across the world and are becoming an increasingly popular option for both buyers and sellers. First things first, what is the 1 euro house scheme in Italy?
1 euro houses for sale in Salemi, Italy

1 euro houses in Salemi

Another village in the Italian region of Sicily has joined the long list of villages with 1 euro houses for sale. Salemi, in the province of Trapani, is stepping up its 1 euro house game.
Pietro Scerrato cc by 3.0

1 euro homes for sale in Lazio

After Patrica, another municipality in the Lazio region of Italy is launching the now well-known "houses for 1 euro" initiative. It is the turn of Maenza, a medieval village in the province of Latina.

Italy's latest houses for sale for 1 euro in Taranto

The town of Taranto is a coastal town in the Apulia region of Southern Italy and is actually an ancient colony of Magna Graecia, rich in natural and historical beauty, as well as being the latest town to join the houses for 1 euro initiative, along with Cinquefrondi, another recent ad
Patrica, one of the abandoned Italian villages selling houses for 1 euro / Wikimedia commons

1 euro houses

How does the houses for 1 euro project work? These houses are owned by individuals who want to get rid of them as quickly as possible so as not to pay taxes.