The days of stressful paperwork in Italy could be coming to an end

Spid or CIE digital identity in Italy: what's the difference?

Italy is moving forward when it comes to bureaucracy and more and more previously time consuming processes can be done online. In order to do this, it's often necessary to have either a Spid, a digital identifier consisting of a username and password, or a CIE, which is Italy's electronic ID card.
Now that Brexit is here, is it time to get Italian residency? / Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Residency in Italy after Brexit

Now that Brexit is finally here, one of the big questions asked by Brits abroad is about residency in another country. If you live in Italy, then you must register as a resident there if you plan to stay for more than three months.
Italian citizenship / Pixabay

How to acquire Italian citizenship

In general, Italian citizenship is obtained ‘ius sanguinis’, this means having an Italian parent. However, it is possible to obtain citizenship by meeting different conditions. The matter is governed by Law No 91 of 5 February 1992. Italian heritage or marriage 1.
What do you have to do to get Italian nationality?

How to get Italian citizenship

Are you in love with Italy so much you want to be officially Italian? Do you need Italian nationality for work, tax or legal reasons? Are you currently a UK citizen and worried about your status living in the country after Brexit comes into effect?