If your windows need replacing, there are some things you shpuld consider

Need to replace old windows? Everything you should know

Replacing windows and French doors is a home improvement that becomes necessary when they are in bad condition, not only for aesthetic reasons but above all for functionality. Having to change your windows is not a regular thing and can create doubts and uncertainties, but inquiring about the d
Guide for restructuring buildings in Italy 2019 / Gtres

The updated guide to tax deductions for renovation work 2019

The guide to tax deductions for restructuring work on Italian properties, updated in May 2019, has been published on the website of the Italian Revenue Agency. Building work for the refurbishment of Italian building carried out on individual units or on the common areas in condominium buildings can
How to adapt your house for winter in Italy 2018

How to get your Italian house ready for winter

Winter is coming and that mean the fuel bills can start to ramp up. To make sure you don’t pay too much to stay warm in your house when the temperatures drop in Italy, it's important to know how to regulate the heat in your home.
How to get a grant to buy or do up a tourist let in Italy / Gtres

Public Grants from “Regione Puglia – Titolo II Turismo”

The Law and Tax Firm Studio Legale Magaraggia is happy to inform you about a very interesting business opportunity, provided by the EU through the Region of Puglia, that you can take advantage of when buying or renovating Italian real estate. More specifically, according to the public Invitation “R
These are the ten design flaws you should avoid in your room / houzz

10 mistakes people make when designing a bedroom

Original article written by Houzz When designing your own bedroom, it can be easy to make some mistakes that completely ruin the final result. Our friends at Houzz show us the 10 most common design errors and how to avoid them. 1.
What is the most efficient and most stylish use of space in your home? / GoPillar

Interior layout of an apartment: what the best solutions are

Original article written by Pillar Often, when renovating an apartment where we have lived for years, we are curious to know if there is another possible distribution of space, different from the current one, which would give a new look to our house without altering the internal efficiency. One