Old Italian buildings have an incredible amount of history and charm. However, in order to utilise them and adapt them to modern use, it is necessary to carry out some adaptation work.
Self-healing concretes, heat-regulating glass, 3D-printed decks: these are the new green building materials that will change the furnishing industry in the coming years.
Replacing windows and French doors is a home improvement that becomes necessary when they are in bad condition, not only for aesthetic reasons but above all for functionality. Having to change your windows is not a regular thing and can create doubts and uncertainties, but inquiring about the d
The guide to tax deductions for restructuring work on Italian properties, updated in May 2019, has been published on the website of the Italian Revenue Agency.
Building work for the refurbishment of Italian building carried out on individual units or on the common areas in condominium buildings can
When you put your house on the market, it’s because you want to sell fast, but how can you sell your house quickly while increasing the property value?
What is a ‘mixed loan’ in Italy and what tax deductions are available for this type of mortgage? Today, we investigate the concept of the Italian “mutuo misto”.
The term ‘mixed loan’ in Italy has a very specific meaning, not the same as it is in other countries.
Winter is coming and that mean the fuel bills can start to ramp up. To make sure you don’t pay too much to stay warm in your house when the temperatures drop in Italy, it's important to know how to regulate the heat in your home.
The Law and Tax Firm Studio Legale Magaraggia is happy to inform you about a very interesting business opportunity, provided by the EU through the Region of Puglia, that you can take advantage of when buying or renovating Italian real estate.
More specifically, according to the public Invitation “R
Original article written by Houzz
When designing your own bedroom, it can be easy to make some mistakes that completely ruin the final result. Our friends at Houzz show us the 10 most common design errors and how to avoid them.
Original article written by Houzz
With just a few little tricks and the right choice of furniture, even a small bedroom can be nice to look at and, above all, give the impression of having a few more square feet than it actually does.
Every year, people invest millions of euros in improving their properties to increase the market value and then sell or rent them, trying to get as much profit as possible from the improvements made.
Original article written by Pillar
Often, when renovating an apartment where we have lived for years, we are curious to know if there is another possible distribution of space, different from the current one, which would give a new look to our house without altering the internal efficiency.
Original article written by houzz
Do you often wonder why other people's homes are always more beautiful and welcoming than yours? No matter how much time and effort you put into your beloved home, you’re never completely happy.
Original article written by houzz
You only have to walk through an Italian city or take a trip to the countryside to find abandoned offices, warehouses in disuse or buildings lost in a state of neglect.