JUDICIAL AUCTION For information and to view documents: GRUPPO EDICOM SPA - AC AuctionConsulting. it - Listing Code: 4492184 to be entered on the portal or contact us at the number
BUSTO ARSIZIO COURT Minimum bid Euro 87,797. 76 Price: Euro 117,063. 68. Auction date: 21/03/2025 at 11:00 AM. Offer submission deadline 2
Robecchetto con Induno:
Exclusive sale, we offer a warehouse with attached apartment and private area.
The property in question consists of a three-level warehouse composed as follows:
Ground floor warehouse divided into two areas for a total of approximately 350 square meters.
First floor open space warehouse of 2
Robecchetto con Induno:
Exclusive sale, we offer a warehouse with attached apartment and private area.
The property in question consists of a three-level warehouse composed as follows:
Ground floor warehouse divided into two areas for a total of approximately 350 square meters.
First floor open space warehouse of 2