reference4319974 Zibido San Giacomo-Via Alzaia Naviglio Pavese, 3 BUILDING A) Dilapidated building of 22 cadastral units. BUILDINGS B, C, E, F, M, N, R, S) Urban areas. BUILDINGS D, K, L, O, Q) Demolished buildings under definition. BUILDING P) Perilous building. BUILDINGS G, H, I, J) Land. For a more detailed descript
REFERENCE: 4320054 Zibido San Giacomo Milan, Via Naviglio Pavese full ownership of a building located on the ground and first floor; it develops a total gross area of approximately 697 sq. m. with two urban areas located in the municipality of Zibido San Giacomo Milan, Via Naviglio Pavese. Sale date: 20/03/2025 Minimum