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Map of Alto Polesine, Rovigo: homes for sale

Areas in Alto Polesine

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Badia Polesine|96 homes Castelmassa - Melara - Bergantino|128 homes Lendinara - Canda - Castelguglielmo|121 homes Occhiobello - Fiesso Umbertiano - Stienta|225 homes Trecenta - Giacciano con Baruchella - Ficarolo|145 homes Ferrara|5,408 homes Mantova|4,990 homes Medio Polesine|535 homes Padova|10,779 homes Verona|7,712 homes Interactive map of areas of interest to select the region you want to search in


Real estate agents in Alto Polesine

Real estate agents in Alto Polesine