JUDICIAL AUCTION For information and to view documents: GRUPPO EDICOM SPA - AC AuctionConsulting. it - Listing Code: 4499664 to be entered on the portal or contact us at the number
RIETI COURT Minimum bid € 40,381. 15 Price: € 53,841. 54. Auction date: 09:40. Deadline for offers 12:00.
Salisano (RI), Via Rocca - BUIL
JUDICIAL AUCTION For information and to view documents: GRUPPO EDICOM SPA - AC AuctionConsulting. it - Listing Code: 4497649 to be entered on the portal or contact us at the number
RIETI COURT Minimum bid Euro 75,215. 61 Price: Euro 100,287. 49. Auction date: 23/04/2025 at 2:30 PM. Offer submission deadline 22/04/2025