If you live in Italy and fancy studying abroad, then there are many options within Europe. And not only Britain: after Brexit, the gaze of students who want to complete their education abroad is widening to other international options. Let's have a look at 10 of the most interesting study destinations in Europe.
Dublin, Ireland

The Irish capital presents a very viable alternative to the UK, with several famous universities including Trinity College and University College Dublin (UCD). Average monthly rent is around 750 euros and anyone wishing to buy a home for investment should budget at least 350,000 euros for a 2-room apartment (with 1 bedroom and a living area).
Stockholm, Sweden

With average rent around 610 euros per month and a price for a 2-room apartment circling around 500,000 euros, the Swedish capital is also a valid study destination. Thanks also to the educational offer of the Karolinska Institute and KTH Royal Institute of Technology, students are very welcome in the city and will also be able to find flat shares and student housing.
Lund, Sweden

Another Swedish city which is catching the eyes of students is Lund, located in the south of the country, whose university is 96th in the Times best university ranking. A room here costs about 420 euros per month while the purchase of a 2-room apartment is around 100,000 euros.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Among the most renowned institutes in the Danish capital are the Business School, the Technical University of Denmark and the ITU. In Denmark, university fees are free and a student can even be subsidised by the state if he or she works at least 44 hours per month. As for house prices, average rent is 750 euros per month and 2-room purchase for around 350,000 euros.
Aarhus, Denmark

The second Danish city with a university that occupies 115th place in the Times ranking boasts courses focused on economics and management. The free tuition and state grants for students also are applicable here, while as regards to rental prices, the average is around 500 euros per month, while with about 240,000 euros you can buy a 2-room apartment.
Amsterdam, Holland

Among the most renowned institutes in the capital city of the Netherlands are the University of Amsterdam and Vrije University with fees that cost about 1,000 euros for the first year and 2,000 for all subsequent years. Average rent is around 950 euros per month while the purchase of a 2-room apartment requires an average of around 420,000 euros.
Rotterdam, Holland

In Rotterdam, the Erasmus University and the University of Technology in Delft are the main educational offers. Monthly rent is around 700 euros, while the purchase of a 2-room apartment can cost around 230,000 euros.
Berlin, Germany

The Humboldt University and the Free University of Berlin are among the most renowned institutions in the city, although lessons are held exclusively in German. Buying a 2-room apartment can cost around 300,000 euros, while the monthly fees are around 850 euros.
Paris, France

France has several universities among the best in Europe, including the Université Paris Sciences et Lettres, Sorbonne, Ecole Politecnique, University of Paris and Télécom Paris, institutions which do not, however, offer lessons in English. The average monthly rent of a single room in Paris is around 1,100 euros, while buying a 2-room apartment requires around 650,000 euros.
Barcelona, Spain

The universities Pompeu Fabra, Universitat Autònoma and Universitat Barcelona are among the best in the Catalan capital, where houses cost around 650 euros for monthly rent. Buying a 2-room apartment can instead require around 280,000 euros.
Article seen at: Dieci mete dove studiare all’estero «low cost» (e l’affitto è accessibile) (Il sole 24 ore)