
The 2020 rental bonus, introduced to curb the effects of the economic crisis caused by COVID-19, will be renewed. The measure was initially introduced in Italy with a deduction of 60% on rentals intended for the carrying out of industrial, commercial, craft, agricultural, tourist activities, or the habitual and professional exercise of self-employment. Let's see what has changed with this extended measure in Italy.

Introduced by the Cura Italia decree and then extended by the relaunch decree which aimed to restart life in Italy after the coronavirus, the benefits of this rental bonus were limited to rent paid until May. However, with the most recent August decree, in addition to the extension (until June for commercial premises and until July for the tourism sector), there are new developments concerning the granting and transfer of the tax credit.

These new developments include the "strengthening" of the tax credit and the transfer of the credit to the tenant, which provides for the possibility of transferring the rental bonus (equivalent to 60% of the monthly rent) directly to the owner in exchange for a discount of the same amount on the rent.

Companies and professionals with an annual turnover of less than 5 million euros can benefit from this rental bonus. If these requirements are not met, the rental bonus is automatically reduced to 20% of the monthly rent paid, while it is also necessary to demonstrate a loss of turnover of at least 50% compared to the same period in 2019.

Article seen at: Bonus affitti rinnovato con il Decreto agosto: cosa cambia (Qui Finanza)