Transport bonus Italy 2023: Who is eligible to claim Italy’s €60 public transport discount in 2023? This is everything you need to know about Italy’s new transport bonus for 2023.
Transport Bonus 2023 in Italy
Transport Bonus 2023 in Italy Jeton Bajrami on Unsplash

Italy has a bonus for almost everything these days, from doing up your home to making it more environmentally friendly, to its baby bonus and payouts to help with the cost of living crisis. Another state aid measure to help those living in Italy is the 60 euro public transport bonus which is back in 2023. There are some changes in store compared to last year, and we’re here with all the latest details about Italy’s 60 euro public transport bonus in 2023. This is who can apply for the discount.

What is the transport bonus in Italy?

Italy has reintroduced its popular “bonus trasporti” for 2023, a public transport bonus in the form of a discount of 60 euros on public transport across the country. The original scheme expired in December 2022, but this year's version is slightly different from last year's. Instead of being a monthly discount, the current discount takes the form of a one-time 60-euro voucher that can be used for buying bus, metro, or train passes across Italy.

Where can the transport bonus 2023 be used?

Italy's transport bonus can be used to purchase monthly, multi-month or annual season tickets for local, regional, inter-regional or national transport and cannot be used for any type of first class services, including business lounges and executive clubs. The scheme will remain in place until 31st December 2023.

Who can apply for Italy’s transport bonus in 2023?

The transport bonus in Italy in 2023 has different eligibility criteria compared to last year. While the previous discount was available to anyone with a personal income of up to 35,000 euros a year, the current discount is only available to individuals earning 20,000 euros a year or less.

Take note that eligibility is solely based on personal income and not household income, which is calculated using an ISEE number. For example, a student may belong to a family with an annual ISEE of over 20,000 euros, but they can still claim the bonus if their personal income doesn't exceed that amount.

How do you apply for Italy’s transport bonus?

Applications are now open as of 8am on 17th April 2023. The application process for Italy’s public transport discount in 2023 is similar to that of last year. To apply, you must visit the official website and provide your SPID or CIE credentials, as well as your codice fiscale (tax code), meaning that in order to be eligible you must be registered as a resident in Italy.

You must then select the appropriate transport operator and complete an auto-certificazione form, declaring that your annual income is not greater than 20,000 euros. Once you have completed the application, you will receive an electronic voucher with a QR code that can be used to purchase your transport pass. These vouchers can be used only once and are valid for the purchase of monthly or annual passes.