If you have decided to buy yourself a house in Italy, you will surely have to furnish it. Either because you bought the house unfurnished or because you want to have everything to your own taste. You have already invested a significant amount in buying the house, so it is important to know: How much it costs to furnish a house in Italy and where you can find affordable furniture? Here are the results of a survey by eBay.
Buy furniture and hire renovations via eBay
The platform eBay has recently commisioned a survey which analyses the purchases carried out by a couple deciding to move in together. The survey shows that the website provides ever more renovation projects and home furnishing. Many purchases are carried out via online platforms which means saving time, and frequently, money too.
How much does it cost to furnish a house?
According to the survey, the average investment made by owners and tenants in Italy who want to furnish their houses is around 800 euros. Generally, 69% of those interviewed carried out changes to their properties to adapt them to their taste, especially people between 18-34 years old (73%). Looking more closely: 28% painted walls, 13% made changes to the bedroom and 13% opted to make improvements in the bathroom.
Also, to give their home a new touch, almost all of them said that they had invested in the purchase of new furniture; the average cost of new items has nearly reached 800 euros. The dishwasher and the washing machine are the items which, according to the survey, are most bought when moving to a new home. In fact, 13.57% of the survey participants didn't have a dishwasher and 12.49% needed a washing machine.