An agreement has been reached between the Italian government and the regions of the country on the guidelines for the next stage of reopening Italy after the COVID-19 health crisis. Some of the regulations came into effect on 18th May 2020, with the guidelines covering restaurants, hairdressers, shops, beauty salons, gyms and beaches and replacing previous INAIL (National Institute for Insurance against Accidents at Work) guidelines considered too restrictive and not very applicable.
With the approval of the May decree law by Conte's government, comes the agreement between the Italian government and regions on the guidelines for the reopening of economic activities, which replace the guidelines for phase 2 of the which were considered too demanding.
Reopening of restaurants
As far as the guidelines for the reopening of restaurants are concerned, the distance between people seated at tables always, and when they do not belong to the same family unit, drops to one metre. It is forbidden to wait inside the premises and there will be an obligation to wear a face mask when getting up from the tables. Masks are also compulsory for waiters and managers who, in addition, must keep the names of the people who have booked a table for 14 days. This regulation has already been applied throughout the country and the same distances also apply for bars.
Hairdressers and beauty salons
As of 18th May, making a prior appointment is required for hairdressers and beauty salons in the guidelines for reopening, with the obligation to specify the type of treatment and the time required in advance. Disposable materials such as capes and aprons for beauty centres are also deemed necessary.
Shops and shopping centres
As far as the guidelines for shops and shopping centres are concerned, reopening from 18th May will only be possible when a mask and disposable gloves are given to customers to touch the goods that will not need to be sanitised. The number of entrances allowed in a shop is proportional to the size of the premesis, with one customer only allowed in a space of 25m2. The reopening of shopping centres also includes thermoscanners at the entrance to check body temperature.
Gyms and swimming pools
The guidelines for the reopening of gyms and swimming pools, which will reopen from 25th May, state that a distance of one metre must be left between people who are waiting and two metres during training. There should be areas separated by barriers in the changing rooms and machines should be sanitised. A shower with soap and water is compulsory before entering the water in the case of swimming pools and for each person in the water, an area of 7m2 is calculated.
Guidelines for reopening beaches
When it comes to the holidays and reopening of beaches (from 29th May), although each region can also bring this date forward, the distances are also reduced. The area around each beach umbrella will be allowed to occupy an area of 10m2 and the distance between sunbeds and beach towels will be one and a half metres, with one metre between people in general. To access bathing establishments you will have to book your slot and the list of people will once again be kept for 14 days. Group activities and sport are forbidden, but you can play racket sports in the water. Bar service will be possible at beach umbrellas and sunbeds will be sanitised at every change. As far as the guidelines for free beaches are concerned, everything is left up to "individual responsibility", although the presence of surveillance personnel is suggested. The management of free beaches will be decided by the governors of the various regions in partnership with mayors and trade associations.