How many metres squared can you buy in Italy for 200,000 euros? And in which areas?

If you're thinking of buying property in Italy, it's important to know how much your money can buy in different areas of the country. The Tecnocasa Study Office in Italy has been looking at this question: how many square metres can you buy in Italy with 200,000 euros? Let's have a look at their conclusions about Italy's cheapest and most expensive cities for buying property.

In order to carry out their research, Tecnocasa have taken the value of the average real estate typology registered in the second half of 2019 as a reference (excluding maximum prices) in Italy's ten main cities. It is observed that, in comparison with a year ago, an increase in prices is felt that has reduced the sizes that are affordable in Milan. The Lombard capital, which saw its prices rise by 13% in 2019, is now the most expensive city, meaning that with 200,000 euros in Milan, you can buy around 58m2 (37 in the centre), 9 square metres less than a year ago.

The size of properties you can buy with 200,000 euros in Italy (in m2) / Tecnocasa
The size of properties you can buy with 200,000 euros in Italy (in m2) / Tecnocasa

In second place is the capital, Rome, where, with this budget, you can buy 70m2, which in turn becomes 37m2 in the city centre. In third place among the most expensive cities is Florence where, with 200,000 euros, you can buy an average property of 72m2. Bologna, where in 2019 there was a price increase of 10.4%, becomes the fourth most expensive city where you buy a property of 83m2, followed by Naples at 85m2.

The cheapest cities to buy property in Italy, and therefore offering the possibility of buying a more spacious property, are Palermo and Genoa, where with 200,000 euros you can buy 177m2 and 173m2 respectively.