The summer heat is well underway in Italy, and for those who have stayed in the city, putting up with the heat in a stuffy apartment can be a struggle. But are there ways to keep your house cool in summer in an eco-sustainable way? Let's have a look at some ideas to escape the worst of the summer heatwave in Italy.
To keep temperatures low in a property without using air conditioning in a bid to be more eco-friendly, there are some tricks to keep in mind. The first piece of advice is to only open the windows late in the evening and at night, as well as early in the morning but never after 9am. During the hottest hours, it is best to keep shutters, blinds and windows closed in order to keep the temperature low inside the house.
Using a fan also has an infinitely lower impact on the environment than air conditioning. It is, however, only a functional option if accompanied by the correct precautions. If the temperature in the house is contained, avoiding heat from outside, then a ceiling fan can be a very effective option for relieving the feeling of heat in a property.
Another solution, alternative to the air conditioning, is a dehumidifier. As is well known, it is often the level of humidity that increases the perceived temperature and the very annoying sensation of stickiness that makes you sweat most.
Another option which shouldn't be overlooked are awnings, especially if the windows of the house remain exposed to the sun for many hours a day. To shield your house from the sun, you can install awnings on the most exposed windows or on the balcony. They can be used as a sort of "screen" and will also funtion to improve the quality of the air in the house, making it richer in oxygen and combating the presence of harmful substances.
Article seen at: Come avere casa fresca in estate? 10 idee ecosostenibili (Money)