Solar energy in winter

Do solar panels work in winter?

Will solar panels work in winter? This recurring question not only has an answer but is also accompanied by a series of tips to improve the efficiency of photovoltaic technology during the winter months.
Increased energy use in homes across the EU

Increased energy use in homes across the EU

In 2021, households accounted for 27% of final energy consumption in the EU. Most of the final energy consumption of EU households was covered by natural gas (33.5%) and electricity (24.6%). Renewable energy accounted for 21.2%, followed by oil and oil products (9.5%) and derived heat (8.6%).
Gas boilers banned in Italy from from 2029: what are the alternatives?

Gas boilers banned in Italy from from 2029: what are the alternatives?

In the wake of the Green Homes Directive, the EU is also taking action to introduce a ban on gas boilers from 2029. This is a measure contained in the draft revision of the Ecodesign Regulation 813/2013/EU, which sets the specifications for the ecodesign and marketing of space heating appliances.
How to save on household expenses Italy

How to save money at home in Italy: 6 useful tips

The rising prices of many household expenses in Italy, with electricity and gas being the most notable, make it necessary to take action at home to keep costs down. The home improvement experts at Habitissimo have shared their tips and ideas for saving money that can be applied throughout the year.
Is Italy's electric car revolution here?

Electric car incentives Italy 2023

Italy's new electric car incentives for 2023 are official. The decree approved by the government is part of the fund earmarked for the automotive sector, i.e.
Saving money heating your home without polluting is possible

How to heat your Italian home economically and without polluting

Winter is almost here, and the weather is definitely already getting colder. We all know what this means: it's time to turn on the heating. Major Italian cities have just done exactly that, with cities like Milan, Bologna, Venice, and Turin turning on radiators on the 15th of October.
If your windows need replacing, there are some things you shpuld consider

Need to replace old windows? Everything you should know

Replacing windows and French doors is a home improvement that becomes necessary when they are in bad condition, not only for aesthetic reasons but above all for functionality. Having to change your windows is not a regular thing and can create doubts and uncertainties, but inquiring about the d
How to save on electricity

Need to save on your electricity bill? Here are some tips

The Minister of Ecological Transition, Roberto Cingolani, speaking on Radio Anch'io about the expected increase in electricity bills in October, said: "We need to think about how the bill is built and calculated. Each country has its own recipe.
110 Superbonus in Italy

Italy's Superbonus 110% for non-residents

Italy's Superbonus is a 110% tax credit of the expenditure made in order to improve a home’s energy efficiency, as well as lower its seismic risk. How does the 110 per cent superbonus work for non-residents in Italy?
Guide for restructuring buildings in Italy 2019 / Gtres

The updated guide to tax deductions for renovation work 2019

The guide to tax deductions for restructuring work on Italian properties, updated in May 2019, has been published on the website of the Italian Revenue Agency. Building work for the refurbishment of Italian building carried out on individual units or on the common areas in condominium buildings can