What is special about Matera Italy? Whether you're interested in history, great food, unique architecture or beautiful scenery, Matera has it all.
The friendliest city in the world is found in Italy
The friendliest city in the world is found in Italy Unsplash

What is the most welcoming city in the world? It's a southern Italian wonder, capital of culture in 2019 and a true Italian. We're talking about Matera, voted the most hospitable city on the planet in the tenth edition of Booking.com's Traveller Review Awards. The ranking is completed by assessing the reviews of verified users on the website, and then presenting a ranking selecting the 10 most welcoming cities in the world

Matera, the city of the stones at number one

Based on more than 232 million reviews from real travellers, the Italian medieval village of Matera has taken the crown as the most hospitable city in the world. With its famous Sassi, buildings carved out of the rock, and previously holding the title of the Italian capital of culture in 2019, this charming town scored a high average score of 9.9 out of 10.

Awarded for both its architectural and scenic beauty

Is Matera Italy worth visiting? Without a doubt! Whether you're interested in history, great food, unique architecture or beautiful scenery, Matera has it all. Matera has been recognised as a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1993 and travellers highlight the town's iconic architectural structures that can widely be found offering accommodation for visitors.

What is special about Matera Italy?

According to the publication released by Booking.com regarding the most welcoming cities on earth for 2022, Matera is "the world’s third oldest continuously inhabited settlement (after Aleppo and Jericho)" and that "for a truly unique and atmospheric experience, the Sextantio Le Grotte Della Civita provides cavernous, luxurious private suites in the heart of the ‘Sassi’ UNESCO protected part of the city". All of this makes Matera a must visit destination if you want to enjoy an unforgettable trip.

Matera Italy real estate

If Matera has taken your fancy and you would like to live there, check out the wide range of property for sale and rent in Matera. From cave houses for sale to charming apartments for rent, our selection has something for you. 

The most welcoming cities in the world 2022​​​​​​​

  1. Matera, Italy  
  2. Bled, Slovenia
  3. Taitung City, Taiwan
  4. Nafplio, Greece
  5. Toledo, Spain
  6. Monte Verde, Brazil
  7. Bruges, Belgium
  8. Nusa Lembongan, Indonesia
  9. Ponta Delgada (Azores), Portugal
  10. Hoi An, Vietnam