vivere a Bergamo

Italy quality of life ranking 2024/2025

The annual survey by the Italian newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore on the quality of life in various Italian cities and provinces has recently been published. The well-being felt by residents and the services offered greatly influence the livability of an Italian city and its province.

Italy's cheapest neighbourhoods to buy a house right now

The latest real found that the average selling price of used homes in May 2023 is EUR 1,858/m2 (+1.9 per cent year-on-year). This figure is part of a context in which inflation and mortgage interest rates are also rising, making it more complicated for Italian households to purchase real estate.
The most welcoming places on earth

Italy is home to the most welcoming city in the world

The eleventh edition of the Traveller Review Award, released by the well known travel website Booking, has ranked the world's most welcoming tourist destinations. And the results show that it is Italy that is home to the most welcoming city in the world.
Smart cities Italy - Bologna comes out on top

Leading digital cities in Italy 2022

Italian municipalities are becoming increasingly digital. Although they have a long way to go, Italy's main cities are increasingly moving towards a digitised lifestyle, thanks in part to the post-pandemic push to make life easier.

Here are the best cities in the world. The most beautiful? Prague

There are many cities in the world that are “the best” for something, but when it comes to the most beautiful city in the world, readers of the travel magazine Time Out have no doubts: it is Prague. Let's see why. Of the 27,000 Time Out readers who voted in the "Best cities in the World 2021",
The best cities to cycle in Italy

Italy's most bike-friendly cities

The Italian Federation for the Environment and Cycling (La Federazione Italiana Ambiente e Bicicletta) has awarded 51 yellow flags in 2021 in recognition of the most bike-friendly cities in Italy.