Italy is known across the world as a beautiful country with a rich cultural heritage, delicious food, and stunning landscapes. The quality of life in Italy can vary depending on a range of factors, including where in the country you live, your socioeconomic status, and your personal preferences. Overall, Italy has a high standard of living, with a strong economy, good healthcare, and excellent education opportunities. The country has a well-developed infrastructure, which makes it easy to get around and access the services you need. But how does the quality of life in Italy compare to the rest of the European Union? To find out, we're taking a look of this a map released by Landgeist.com with data from the Eurobarometer, which details the percentage of people in each region that judge their quality of life as rather good or very good.

Citizens can rate the quality of life in their region as follows:
- Very good
- Rather good
- Rather bad
- Very bad
The map shows the percentage of respondents who answered 'very good' or 'rather good', and we can deduce that in the vast majority of EU regions, people consider their quality of life to be good. This is especially the case in Northern and Western Europe, where over 80% or even 90% of citizens consider the quality of life in their region to be very good. In Finland, Sweden, Ireland, Denmark, Luxembourg and Austria, it exceeds 90% in all regions.
The highest percentage is found in Friesland in the Netherlands, where 98.7% of people think that the quality of life in Friesland is good or very good. The Dutch provinces of Drenthe and Zeeland also resulted in high percentages of over 98%. The inhabitants of Åland (98.6%) and Southern Finland (98.5%) are come close to the level of satisfaction in Friesland, while the same happens in Carinthia (Austria) with a percentage of 98.6.
There are only four regions in the EU where a minority of the population considers the quality of life to be good. In Severozapaden (Bulgaria), only 38.1% think the quality of life is good in that region, and this is by far the lowest percentage in Europe.
When it comes to the quality of life in Italy, the results are a mixed bag. Looking at the country on the whole, 83% of people living in Italy claim that the quality of life is rather good or very good. The highest percentages and therefore the best quality of life in Italy are found in Marche (83%), Trento (82%) and Abruzzo (82%). The lowest scores and the worst quality of life in Italy are found in Basilicata (63%) and Calabria (59%), both located in the south of Italy.