In which country do you find the most beautiful houses in the world? This question was attempted to be answered by the estate agent comparison site GetAgent, which conducted an innovative eye-tracking study to reveal which houses around the world are most aesthetically pleasing to the human eye.
Italy is known across the world as a beautiful country with a rich cultural heritage, delicious food, and stunning landscapes. The quality of life in Italy can vary depending on a range of factors, including where in the country you live, your socioeconomic status, and your personal preferences.
If you're dreaming of moving abroad but the expense is putting you off, Italy should be at the top of your search list as it has been named as one of the cheapest countries in the world to buy a house.
"Wealth doesn't bring you happiness." The Boston Consulting Group's regular Sustainable Economic Development Assessment (SEDA), the ranking that measures the well-being of citizens in 143 countries around the world, seems to confirm the old saying.
To realise this, just take a look at the rank
Countries nowadays are not only facing the brain drain of the youngest. The over 65-year-old, once retired, also like to spend their retirement years abroad. But which are the best countries to retire to?
When it comes to high street fashion, the Italian retail market ranks sixth place in the world (after Hong Kong), with the standard bearer for Italian shopping being the Via Montenapoleone street in Milan.
Piedmont has officially been voted the most beautiful region in the world. This is according to Lonely Planet's ‘Best in Travel 2019’ guide, which presents its ranking of the best tourist resorts in the world to visit in the new year.
When in Rome, do as the Romans do. All travellers, wherever they are in the world, want to live like a native and not as a tourist. Food and drink on demand, attractions and cultural places to visit, and streets where you can discover the authentic soul of the city.
Having a good passport opens the doors to many countries in the world. There are certain places you can’t visit if you are not of a specific nationality.
According to the "City Costs Barometer", the annual ranking from Britain's Post Office Travel Money, the cheapest European cities to spend a weekend in are in Eastern Europe.