Which cities are the greenest in Italy? Here is the Urban Ecosystem ranking, a report prepared by Legambiente e Ambiente Italia.
The report measures the attention to the environment of 104 Italian cities and comes to the result that if you want to live in city where you can breathe and that respects the ecosystem, you should move to Trentino-Alto Adige. The greenest city in the ranking is Trento, while Bolzano ranks third. Mantua in Lombardy is on the second place.

Milan is “greener” than Rome, occupying the 32nd place, falling however nine positions, while the Italian capital ranks 89th.

At the bottom of the ranking of Italiy’s greenest cities, we find several Sicilian cities, of which Catania occupies the last place. Vibo Valentia and Syracuse remain unclassified due to lack of data.
Among the data considered to identify the best city to fit the environment, the performance related to the objectives of Agenda 2030, namely the improvement of transport, urban green spaces, air quality, waste management and road safety were analysed.
These are the top five greenest cities in Italy.
1. Trento

2. Mantua

3. Bolzano

4. Pordenone

5. Parma