In the midst of the coronavirus emergency, the issue of buying and renting property is of great interest for many residents, especially the topic of rent support. Many in this period of paralysis have seen their income significantly reduce or in some cases even disappear. Measures have therefore been widely called for to help tenants in difficulty, but also to protect landlords. At the moment, however, the aid that is available depends on the region where you live. Let's have a look at what the reality is in different parts of the country.
The Lombardy Region's website states that "The region of Lombardy and the Lombard Residential Building Company (Aler) have adopted a series of measures to support families who rent their home. This is a first phase of aid aimed at the most economically fragile tenants who have suffered an economic loss as a result of the COVID-19 health emergency".
Since mid-March, as reported by Il Sole 24 Ore, the Italian newspaper, the municipality of Milan "has postponed the deadline for the payment of rent and expenses for the municipality's social housing to 30th September".
As reported on the website of the City of Florence, residents can apply for extraordinary rental support until 11th May in the region. Specifically, "this extraordinary rent support measure is intended for employed and self-employed workers who as a result of the emergency caused by the coronavirus have ceased, reduced or suspended their activity or employment. This extraordinary measure cannot be requested by the beneficiaries of sheltered housing, for which other forms of support are already provided". In addition, "the contribution of the extraordinary measure will cover 50% of the rent and, in any case, will not exceed 300 euros per month. If the rent is 1000 euros the contribution will be 300 euros per month, at most. The contribution corresponds to three successive months starting from April 2020".
The Councillor for Social Affairs of the city of Siena, Francesca Appolloni, said that "last week the city council approved the public notice scheme for the allocation of economic contributions to support the payment of rent, which many families in this period of great economic crisis generated by the pandemic are in extreme difficulty regarding payments". As specified, "following the decision taken by the Tuscan Regional Council on 31st March, with subsequent integration on 14th April, the municipal administration is preparing to issue a specific notice that will allow the formation of the ranking for the allocation of this economic support addressed to all those people who, due to the health emergency have had their employment activity ceased, reduced or suspended with a consequent drastic reduction in income".
The Lazio Region has introduced a rental bonus to help people in difficulty to pay their rent. In particular, 43 million euros will be put aside as a contribution to the payment of rent: 22 million euros for those who have suffered a 30% reduction in family income in the period from 23rd February to 31st May 2020 compared to 2019 and 21 million euros to speed up the disbursement of contributions already announced for municipalities.
As reported on the website of the Lazio Region: "With this measure the Lazio Region supports students, as well as self-employed and employed workers who have suffered a contraction of at least 30% of household income due to the COVID-19 emergency. The contribution is intended for all people with regular rental contracts, who have an income not exceeding 7,000 euros quarterly, or about 28,000 euros per year. The contribution is equal to 40% up to a maximum of three months' rent". This aid measure can be obtained "by submitting a self-certification of your economic situation in the indicated quarter (23rd February to 31st May 2020) and by applying to your municipality. The municipality will collect the documentation and draw up the ranking list within 45 days and then allocate the resources directly".
As announced in a communiqué from the Tenants' Union, "the city of Rome has announced that on Monday, 27th April, the public notice for the contribution to the regional rent will finally be released, with the promise that the procedures will be easier and faster". According to a report by Il Sole 24 Ore, about 24.5 million of the 43 million euros allocated by the Lazio Council for rent support are destined to the city of Rome, while 18.5 million to other municipalities.
Until 27th April you can apply for the Campania region rental bonus. It is a contribution from 1,800 to 2,000 euros depending on your Isee income.
As reported on the website of the Sicilian region, "about five thousand Sicilian families will benefit from the contributions for rent in the Sicilian region, thanks to the notice issued by the Department of Infrastructure to support access to rental housing. The deadline for the submission of applications, initially set at the end of March, due to the COVID-19 emergency has been postponed to 13th May". The funds available amount to 7.5 million euros.