If you're planning on investing in property in Italy, then it's a good idea to get an idea of how much Italians generally spend when buying a house in Italy's main cities. A recent analysis by the Tecnocasa research office has focused on how much people spent when purchasing property in Italy in July 2020, a useful comparison to make so that you don't end up paying too much when buying property in Italy.
It is in the lowest price bracket where we can see the highest concentration of spending in Italy, that is up to 119 thousand euros (26.0%). This is followed by 23.2% of people buying properties in the 120 and 169 thousand euros price range, while 22.1% purchased properties between 170 and 249 thousand euros. There is also an increase in the percentage of those wishing to spend more than 250 thousand euros to buy a property in Italy.
How much people spend in Italy's main cities:
- In both Rome and Milan, the majority of property searches concern properties worth between 250 and 349 thousand euros: 24.4% for Rome and 25.2% for Milan. In Milan the percentage of those who want to spend more than 250 thousand euros is 56.7%.
- In Florence and Bari, there is a higher concentration of buyers in the 170-249 thousand euro price bracket, at 35.4% and 29.2% respectively.
- In Bologna and Verona, the price bracket with the greatest impact is that between 120 and 169 thousand euros, with 29.3% and 30.9% buying properties within this range respectively.
- In the other major cities, including Genoa, Naples, Palermo and Turin, the disposable income for buying property remains concentrated in the spending range of less than 120 thousand euros.