The photographs of a property that you want to sell or rent are extremely important. And it is not only the quality of the image that counts, but also what is shown in the photos. Photographs of properties are a way of communicating with the potential buyer, they are an opportunity to tell them something about the house they are selling or renting. With the help of Caroline Jurgens, founding partner of Lúmina Home Staging, here are some tips to make the most of the photos in your property listing.
What property photos show are important as they immediately provoke a reaction in those who see them. A positive reaction will generate action, curiosity, a desire to know more and visit the property, while a negative reaction will generate rejection and a potential buyer probably won't want to arrange a viewing of your home.
In general, the objective is to show the possibilities of a house, which means showing the space it has and how it can be used. We know that most people are not able to imagine something they cannot see, hence the need to prepare a house before putting it on the market. The best way to do this is through Home Staging. Here are some interesting examples of how you can use Home Staging to take better pictures and sell your home in Italy:

What do the photos of your flat for sale say? The photo on the left tells us: "The second bedroom looks very small". But the one on the right tells us: "There are two beds in this room" and gives the impression of much more space.

What reaction does your house for sale provoke in potential buyers? The first photo tells us: "This is a flat is a bit old-fashioned". On the other hand, with some simple changes, the second photo communicates a spacious and bright entrance hall.

The final example shows the difference that some furniture can make in a new home. The photo on the left may provoke a disappointing reaction, while the one on the right is much more inviting and the buyers could imagine living there.
It does not matter if you are advertising a new or renovated house, or an inherited one. Photographs of your property for sale or rent communicate many things and are the first impression people will get of your property. If you take care of the image you publish on property websites such as idealista, you will generate positive reactions, which will mean more interest from the public and more visits to the house. This also means selling or renting out the property sooner and therefore not having to lower the selling price.
Preparing a house before launching it on the property market helps it to sell faster. Moreover, the investment in staging your home is always less than the first drop in the selling price! A home staging expert can help you communicate the best possible message to attract potential buyers and can make the difference between selling and not selling your property.
- For more tips and information on selling your home in Italy, check out our detailed guide to selling property in Italy.