Get a mortgage to pay for an auction house in Italy / Creative commons

Buying an property at auction: pros and cons

Buying a house at auction in Italy can be a great chance to buy a new home cheaply, even if there are sometimes hidden pitfalls. Unlike in the other countries, such as the UK or USA, where choosing to sell your property at auction can be a really attractive way to get a good sale price, in Ital

How much has the cost of current accounts increased in Italy?

A Bank of Italy survey on the cost of current accounts for individuals shows an increase in 2018, specifically a rise of 7.50 euros compared to the previous year. In fact, in 2018 the expense for the management of a current account amounted to 86.90 euros. It is a clear acceleration

Send money to Italy from UK

When you have a second home in Italy, it’s often necessary to send money to the country to pay for bills, taxes and other living expenses of being an expat, but banks and money transfer companies can sometimes take advantage of exchange rates and fees.
How to get a grant to buy or do up a tourist let in Italy / Gtres

Public Grants from “Regione Puglia – Titolo II Turismo”

The Law and Tax Firm Studio Legale Magaraggia is happy to inform you about a very interesting business opportunity, provided by the EU through the Region of Puglia, that you can take advantage of when buying or renovating Italian real estate. More specifically, according to the public Invitation “R
What's the best way to move money in Italy or between countries? / Gtres

How to send or transfer money in Italy

You need to send or receive cash overseas, but how does it work? You might think you need to go to the bank to make a transfer, but oftentimes that isn’t the cheapest option. We are here to help you! Like we said, a bank isn’t the way to go.
What’s the process for opening an Italian bank account?

How to open a current account in a bank in Italy

If you’re thinking about moving to Italy on a permanent basis, or even if you’re just staying for a few months, it’s pretty much obligatory to open a bank account for even the simplest of administrative tasks.