The best way to invest 10,000 euro to make more money / Gtres
The best way to invest 10,000 euro to make more money / Gtres

Even a small amount of money can yield great returns. The important thing is to follow the right advice to understand how, and where, to invest 10,000 euro in the best way nowadays.

Absolutely "safe" investments do not exist but with some caution and following the advice of an expert, your savings can grow over time. And so even starting from 10,000 euros you can increase your capital.

Among the many ways to achieve this there is the deposit account, a special savings account for those who, in the short term, always want to have their liquidity available. In this case the risks are almost zero, but so is the yield. The capital is tied up for a certain period of time, usually 12 months, but in any case the percentage never exceeds 1.5%.

Online trading, on the other hand, consists of buying a single share, even if now trading has expanded to many other types of assets including the purchase of indices, currency exchange and derivatives. To invest in this kind of scheme, however, you have to be very prepared and knowledgeable about the sector, even when relying on specialised platforms.

Your Wealth Accumulation Plan will suffer less from oscillations in the share investments and even take advantage of it with periodic payments. Substantially, you can become a prudent saver too much fear of loss, being able to choose the instalments, cadence, payment amounts and the duration of the plan.

Among the "classic" investments in Italy, there are also BTPs (Buoni del Tesoro Poliennali) which are Multi-year Treasury Bonds. They are a debt certificate with a duration of more than 12 months and are issued by the State. The maturities correspond to 5, 10, 15 and 30 years and cannot be bought at issuance or later on the market. In the same way, they can be sold before they mature at market price.

The rate of return on BTPs is variable and depends on inflation. But you can also have a fixed rate, usually paid twice a year. Generally, they have a higher yield than a deposit account. Even in a period where interest rates collapse to 0 to stimulate economic recovery, they still retain their profitability, but at any rate the good news is that the latest monetary policies will be in favour of rising rates.

From the original Italian article: Come Investire 10.000 Euro Oggi: Dove Conviene per Guadagnare (