Floriana Liuni

Floriana Liuni

Laureata in comunicazione con tesi in economia, master in giornalismo, giornalista professionista dal 2010. Nel 2013 ho co-fondato il sito Finanzaoperativa.com (oggi Bluerating Mercati). Lavoro in idealista/news dal 2018 e scrivo di economia, finanza e, ovviamente, real estate. Nel tempo libero pratico krav maga (occhio!), cucino dolci e, quando posso, canto. Sui social mi trovate qui: X, Linkedin.

Living in Italy

Why one in four Italians wants to move house

According to the RE/MAX European Housing Trend Report 2024, the lack of balconies and gardens, combined with rising energy costs, is fuelling housing dissatisfaction in Italy and across Europe. In line with the European average, 24% of Italians want to move home.

How much do people spend when buying a house in Italy?

When it comes to buying a home in Italy, the cost can vary widely depending on the region, city, and the type of property. While the dream of owning a house is shared by many, the amount people are willing or able to spend often depends on their financial situation and local market conditions.