The discount season has started
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The 2023 summer sales have officially started. According to a survey on purchasing intentions conducted by Ipsos for Confesercenti, more than 61% of Italians plan to buy at least one item of clothing, footwear and accessories on sale, with a budget of €227 per person; a further 30% are ready to buy if they find the right offer. But what is new this year and, above all, what are the tips for not risking nasty surprises? Let's find out.

What's new in the 2023 summer sales

The 2023 summer sales are the first discounts to follow the new rules of the Consumer Code that came into force on 1 July and change the rules on discounts, promotions, clearance and sales. 

The legislative decree of 7 March 2023 no. 26 transposed European Directive 2019/2161 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 November 2019 amending Council Directive 93/13/EEC and Directives 98/6/EC, 2005/29/EC and 2011/83/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council for better enforcement and modernisation of Union rules on consumer protection.

In particular, the novelty concerns the display of prices in promotional campaigns. In fact, Article 17-bis 'Price Reduction Announcements' was added to the Consumer Code, according to which, as of 1 July, the retailer will have to indicate the percentage discount, the final price, but also the lowest price applied to the item in the previous 30 days. If this is not done, a penalty ranging from EUR 516 to EUR 3,098 is triggered.

Sales and advice

But what are the tips for the discount season that has just started? What in particular should we pay attention to? The National Consumers' Union has collected ten useful tips and indications.

  • Exchanges and defective products- The retailer is obliged to replace the defective article and from 1 January 2022, with the entry into force of D. Lgs. 170/2021, implementing EU Directive 2019/771, it is no longer necessary to report the defect to the seller within 2 months of its discovery. It must be remembered that the action to enforce one's rights is time-barred in 26 months from delivery of the goods. In the event of a lack of conformity of the goods, one has the right to its repair or replacement. If repair and replacement have not been carried out or have been refused by the seller because of disproportionate costs or are impossible because e.g. the size is missing, if the defect remains despite the seller's attempt to restore conformity if the seller has stated (or it is clear from the circumstances) that they will not repair within a reasonable period or without considerable inconvenience to the consumer, or if the defect is so serious as to justify it, you are entitled to a proportional reduction of the price or the return of the money (if the defect is not minor). Finally, please note: the garment must be suitable for any particular use desired by the consumer, which has been brought to the seller's attention at the latest at the time of conclusion of the sales contract and which the seller has accepted. 
  • New rules on discounts- With the entry into force of Legislative Decree no. 26 of 7 March 2023, which implements EU Directive 2019/2161, the seller must also indicate the previous price, i.e. the lowest price charged to consumers in the 30 days preceding the sales. Despite these new rules, one should continue to be wary of discounts over 50%. 
  • Stockpiles- Sales must be truly end-of-season, which means that the goods offered for sale must not be stockpiles. If before the sales the shop was half-empty and with the sales it has filled up with goods, it is likely that the products put on sale are stock. 
  • Prices to compare-The advice is always to compare the prices of several establishments to get a clearer idea of the actual discount and the cheapest one. 
  • Clear ideas on purchases- Before entering the shop, it is good to have a clear idea of what you want to buy. Another important tip is to check the quality of the product by checking the label describing the composition of the garment.
  • Trusted shops- It is always advisable to go to trusted shops and buy goods whose price or quality you already know. 
  • Shops and shop windows- The advice is to check the price and not to buy in shops that do not display the price tag indicating the previous price, the percentage of the discount and the new price.
  • Testing of garments- The testing of garments is left to the discretion of the shopkeeper, there is no obligation. The advice, however, is to be wary of shopkeepers who do not want to let you try on clothes or who ask for an advance payment to let you try them on. 
  • The budget- Before starting your sales tour, it is important to set a spending budget and stick to it.
  • Payments by POS- It must be remembered that all merchants are obliged to accept payments made by payment cards, for any amount. There are only two exceptions: the objective technical impossibility and the possibility of accepting only one circuit and one type of debit card.
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Summer sales calendar 2023: find out the dates in your region

  • Abruzzo: 6 July - 31 August
  • Basilicata: 6 July - 2 September
  • Province of Bolzano: 14 July (tourist municipalities 18 August) - 11 August (tourist municipalities 15 September)
  • Calabria: 6 July - 30 August
  • Campania: 6 July - 30 August
  • Emilia Romagna: 6 July - 31 August
  • Friuli Venezia Giulia: 6 July - 30 September
  • Latium: 6 July - 16 August
  • Liguria: 6 July - 16 August
  • Lombardy: 6 July - 30 August
  • Marche: 6 July - 31 August
  • Molise: 6 July - 31 August
  • Piedmont: 6 July - 31 August
  • Apulia: 6 July - 15 September
  • Sardinia: 6 July - 30 August
  • Sicily: 6 July - 15 September
  • Tuscany: 6 July - 31 August
  • Province of Trento: start and end dates are chosen independently by traders
  • Umbria: 6 July - 31 August
  • Valle D'Aosta: 6 July - 30 September
  • Veneto: 6 July - 30 August