Expensive hotels around Italy/ Gtres
Expensive hotels around Italy/ Gtres

How much do hotels cost in Italian resorts and how much are they worth? Here are the answers from the Report on the Hotel Mare 2013 by World Capital, in collaboration with Nomisma.

The report analyses the real estate costs per room of the following coastal resorts: Portofino, Venice Lido, Cesenatico, Forte dei Marmi, Sperlonga, San Benedetto del Tronto, Positano, Polignano a mare, Maratea, Tropea, Giulianova, Termoli, Capri, Porto Cervo, Taormina. The survey carried out by the World Capital Research Department shows that the most expensive destinations are Capri for 4 and 5 stars, respectively, with a real estate value of €343,000 and €991,000 per room, and Positano with 3 stars and a value per room of €253,000.

Tourist potential, the best resorts

As for the analysis of the tourist attractiveness of maritime destinations, through the "tourist potential score" elaborated by Nomisma, it is the Romagna Riviera that registers the highest score (87.4 out of 100). Nomisma's tourism potential score also rewards the coastal municipalities of Campania, the Amalfi and Cilento coasts (with a score of 86 out of 100) and the maritime destinations of Veneto and Friuli Venezia-Giulia (82.3).

Five-star hotel by the sea

Dedicated to 5-star accommodation, as well as Capri, next on the podium are Positano with a value per room of €830,000 and Portofino €719,000 per room. Portofino, Lido de Venecia, and Cesenatico are the most attractive destinations in northern Italy, with Portofino far superior to those in the north. In the center, Forte dei Marmi prevails, at €526,000 for a room in a 5-star establishment. Capri dominates the south, with a cost per room in a 5-star facility of almost one million euros.

Receptive offer in Italy, the leader in Europe

Positive numbers, according to the survey, for Italian hospitality. The beautiful country that is the leader in Europe for hotel beds published an increase of 0.3% from 2009 to 2018.

When making a comparison at the European level, we observe that over the years hotel beds have experienced a considerable increase (approximately +11%) going from 12.5 million in 2009 to almost 14 million in 2018, 1.1 million of those as in Italy. Where, as for hotel beds, the trend is very similar: from 2009 to 2018, an increase of 8.6%.

Italian hospitality outperforms European competitors with 2,260,190 people. After Spain with 1,940,264 beds and the United Kingdom with 1,923,611 beds.

However, in terms of the number of hotels, in 2018 it is the United Kingdom that performs best with 39,845 businesses, followed second by Italy with 32,896 facilities and third by Germany with 32,433 businesses.