Nowadays, if it’s not on the internet it doesn't exist. That’s why it’s so important to advertise your property on a real estate web portal if you want to sell or rent it out. And the first photo people see on your property listing is absolutely decisive – it has to be attractive otherwise you won’t get any interest from buyers or tenants.
Today we look at some of the biggest mistakes made by real estate agencies when uploading the cover photo for a property advertisement:
- Portrait photos: the top photo should always be landscape, because otherwise it will be cut off at the top and bottom when it’s uploaded and the sides will just be blank spaces.
- Boring photos: the top photo should always be one that portrays the atmosphere of the house. Taking a photo of the living room can be a good start, but only if it’s well lit. Or it could also be a picture of a great view from the balcony, for example, if that’s really the strong point of the house. However, very often the first photo is of a bedroom, bathroom or other common parts of the building.
- Poorly lit surroundings: the photo should be as bright as possible to attract the attention of potential buyers, who make a quick selection between several houses. This is a way of attracting as many users as possible.
- Distracting furniture: if there’s crazy or eye-catching furniture in the photo, the potential buyer will focus on that and not on the room itself. The photo should focus on the spaces in the house and not on any one particular item in it.
- Floor plan: the cover photo should never, ever be a floorplan of the house because not only is it ugly, but most people simply can’t understand it and don’t care. These kind of pictures positively repel potential clients.
Generally speaking, the first photo of a property listing has to be able to pique the interest of potential buyers. It should be the "emotional first step" to draw people in and make them want to physically visit the house, and eventually buy or rent it.
You can advertise your house in Italy for sale or to rent free on idealista or find products to improve your property listing