Instructions and information on how to apply

Until Monday 18th May 2020, residents in Rome can apply for the extraordinary rental support measures announced by the government, a measure which differs in the regions of the country. Applications can be made by families in economic difficulty as a result of the coronavirus emergency who live in publicly and privately owned rented housing.

With this extraordinary contribution for the payment of rent for the year 2020, the city of Rome is supporting citizens who have suffered a reduction, of at least 30%, in their household income due to the COVID-19 emergency.

As indicated on the Roma Capitale website, "applications must be submitted exclusively using the model prepared by the Department of Heritage and Housing Policies in editable form on the online platform, or, in paper form, which can be obtained at certain newsagents that are indicated on the same website of the Municipality of Roma Capitale".

The application must be submitted, by and no later than the deadline of 18th May 2020 and can only be done in the following ways:

  • online on the Roma Capitale portal;
  • by hand, at the Town Hall Registry offices, if you opt for the 4-page paper model available at the newsagents that have an agreement with the Municipality of Rome.

The following documents must be attached to the application:

  • a copy of your valid identity document;
  • a copy of your residence permit or residence card (for non-EU citizens);
  • 3 proofs of payment of the monthly rental fee.

The authorities have also pointed out that "with the exception of the copy of the identity document, which must be compulsorily attached to the application, in case of impossibility to produce a copy of the residence permit and payment receipts, they can be sent after the application has been sent. These documents are however required in order to pay the contribution and must be sent directly to the Department of Heritage and Housing Policies (Dipartimento Patrimonio e Politiche Abitative – Direzione Politiche Abitative U.O. Assistenza Alloggiativa Ufficio Contributo Affitto), making sure to indicate the protocol number of the application".