1 euro homes in Basilicata

1 euro houses for sale in Ripacandida, Basilicata in 2023

Ripacandida in Basilicata has been added to the list of Italian villages offering houses for sale for 1 euro. The 1 euro home initiative in Ripacandida has the main objective of recovering the housing function of the historic centre.
1 euro homes in Sicily: cheap houses in the village of Troina

1 euro homes in Sicily: cheap houses in the village of Troina

1 euro houses are on the rise in Sicily. After Gangi, Sambuca di Sicilia, Delia, the project has also conquered the village of Troina. The objective of the project in Troina, which recently featured on CNN, is to renovate and inhabit the real estate in the town's historic centre.
Living in Molise, Italy

Living in Molise, Italy

Molise, with its capital Campobasso, is a region located in southern Italy and holds the record of being among the smallest and cheapest places to live in Italy.