What is the best way to find a place to live in Italy as an Erasmus student? / Gtres

Erasmus accommodation in Italy

The date for your Erasmus exchange is coming ever closer, but you still haven’t got a clue where you’re going to stay. As Michael Jackson said, you are not alone; idealista/news is here to help you!
What is the imposta di registro and how is it calculated?

Imposta di registro: what it is and how to work it out

The imposta di registro, something akin to a registration fee in English, is an indirect tax which is applied to transfers of wealth assets such as the purchase of a property, which must be registered in writing and the same as the value given in the property deeds.
What are contracts to rent like in Italy?

Rental contract in Italy

Whether you’re a tenant who’s just found the perfect place to rent or a landlord who’s renting one out, it’s important that you have all the necessary information in the rental agreement, either a contratto d’affitto or a contratto di locazione. What does a contract need?