If you’re planning to rent out your property, the first thing you should do is to improve it with some changes to make it more attractive to the market. The more significant the improvements, the easier it will be to rent at a good price.
According to the experts at Houzz, for a project to work, it is important to first make a list of everything that can and should be changed. Everything must be taken into account, from the furniture to the installations.

When developing the kitchen, it is advisable to invest more in creativity than in expensive materials. It is good to start by evaluating what you already have, for example, the tiles that can be improved with some nice decoration or the floor that can be polished. It’s also important to rationalise the spaces, making them welcoming and functional.

It should also be remembered that sometimes rental apartments are furnished with things that the potential tenant does not want and that may influence their decision. It is best to simply choose a few functional pieces of furniture.

In the living room, the most important element is the sofa, whose added value is that it can also be used as a bed. The dining table can be accompanied by modern chairs and the lighting can be enhanced with spotlights. The bathroom should be adequately equipped, being comfortable, functional and having all the necessary equipment.

It is also important to keep the walls looking fresh. To do this, you can choose to use one colour for the walls and another for the coving, or choose one wall in the room to paint a different colour from the rest.

When it comes to lofts and attics, these spaces should be as usable as possible. Terraces and gardens give added value and therefore need to be looked after in the best possible way, perhaps with some pretty plants. If there is an opportunity to create a terrace, it can be used as a workplace.

From the original Spanish article: ¿Quieres alquilar tu piso? Ponlo al día primero con una pequeña reforma (Houzz)