With Italy's plans to start to ease lockdown measures in "phase 2" of the coronavirus crisis, it was no surprise that real estate agencies were included among the activities scheduled to open on 4th May. A few weeks ago, the Scientific Committee of Civil Protection in Italy has classified the work in the sector as low-risk activity. But what rules will real estate agents have to follow in order to operate in total safety, both for themselves and their clients?
There are currently about 65,000 rental contracts of various types and about 20,000 real estate transfers that could not be completed due to the coronavirus crisis, according to data from trade associations, which for days have been calling for a reopening of real estate agencies. It was precisely the Scientific Committee of Civil Protection which decided to include the sector in the list of businesses considered to be at low-risk of coronavirus infection, along with legal, accounting, insurance activities.
A guide destined for real estate agents who are allowed to reopen their business comes from the decree law released on 26th April, announced by President Conte at a press conference. The new decree contains the rules that all businesses must follow if they want to resume their work in complete safety.
In Annex 5 of the decree released on 26th April, titled "measures for shops", the following safety regulations were set out:
- All activities must be carried out with adequate personal and social distancing
- Guaranteed cleanliness and environmental hygiene at least twice a day and depending on opening hours
- Guarantee of adequate natural ventilation and air exchange
- Wide availability and accessibility to hand disinfection systems. In particular, these systems must be available next to keyboards, touch screens and payment systems.
- Use of masks in closed places or environments and in any case in all possible working phases where interpersonal distance cannot be guaranteed
Timetables should also be regulated with staggered access times, put into place in the following ways:
- extended and flexible time slots;
- for premises up to 40 square metres, one person at a time can have access, in addition to a maximum of two operators;
- for rooms larger than those referred to above, access shall be regulated according to the space available, differentiating entry and exit routes where possible.
Information to ensure that customers waiting to enter are distanced
An important part of the commercial agent's work also concerns training and updating. In this case the decree of 26th April once again has some guidelines, in the part that specifically concerns the organisation of work in the company.
- Presential meetings are not permitted. In the case that meetings are characterised by necessity and urgency, in the impossibility of remote connection, the necessary participation must be reduced to a minimum and, in any case, include social distancing measures. Adequate cleaning and airing of the premises must be guaranteed.
- All internal events and all classroom training activities, even compulsory ones, shall be suspended and cancelled, even if already organised; it is however possible, if the company organisation allows it, to carry out distance learning, also for those working from home.
Hygiene and sanitary regulations
Not to be forgotten are the specific hygiene and sanitary regulations in place to minimise the risk of infection from the disease:
- Wash your hands often
- Avoid hadshakes
- Maintain a distance of at least one metre from others
- Practice respiratory hygiene (sneeze and/or cough in a handkerchief avoiding hand contact with respiratory fluids)
- Do not touch your eyes, nose and mouth with your hands.
- Cover your mouth and nose if you sneeze or cough.
- Clean surfaces with chlorine or alcohol-based disinfectants
- Use respiratory protection as an additional measure.
These rules should be followed at all stages of a real estate agent's work, including visits to houses for sale or rent. On this issue, many real estate agencies, during the confinement period, have already been organising themselves with in a bid to offer alternative forms of visiting properties, as well as buying or renting during the pandemic, using new technology.